CAM Post/it

Post elaborazione

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Path → Post-elaborazione
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Questo comanda esporta una Lavorazione selezionata in un file di codice-G

Ogni controller CNC parla un dialetto G-Code specifico, che richiede un postprocessore dialettale corretto per tradurre l'output finale dal dialetto G-Code di FreeCAD agnostico interno.

Typical functions of the Postprocessor include

Postprocessor Customization

If you want to write your own postprocessor, have a look at the CAM Postprocessor Customization page.

Note: Several provided Postprocessors generate suitable code for many CNC controllers, or can be used as templates for modification

Postprocessors contain configuration flags and are designed to be tuned by adding G-codes and M-codes to provided definitions for:

Postprocessors use FreeCAD's internal G-code dialect in conjunction with the Postprocessor configuration definitions, to generate Dialect-Correct G-code for target machines. This allows the CAM workbench to generate correct G-code to target various CNC machine controllers by invoking different Postprocessors.

CNC Machine Controller types include:

If only one CNC machine is used, or if all CNC machines share a common Postprocesor, the CAM workbench would need to include only a single Postprocessor. If a single Postprocessor is inadequate to output G-code for all target CNC controllers, then multiple Postprocessors must be installed.


  1. Selezionare la Lavorazione che si desidera esportare
  2. Premere il pulsante Post elaborazione
  3. Confermare il nome e la directory del file di output


  • Se le proprietà del file di output e del post-processore non sono impostate nel Progetto, il contenuto del progetto viene invece mostrato in una finestra di dialogo per la verifica
  • È anche possibile esportare un progetto o qualsiasi altro percorso direttamente in Codice G utilizzando il menu File-> Esporta

The provided Postprocessors are written with comments indicating areas containing Flags, Configuration Variables, and Sections of G-Codes and M-Codes that are to be used by the Postprocessor to configure the output.

Typical Configuration True/False Flags include:

Typical Configuration Variables include:

Typical Configuration Sections include:

The EditPreferences...CAMJob Preferences tabDefaultsCAM is used to set the default Postprocessor selected on Job creation. This allows CAM workbench to be configured to only display desired Postprocessors, and to set a default.

Included Postprocessors are saved in FreeCAD/Mod/CAM/CAM/Post/scripts by default:
